How Can I Speed Up Slow WiFi

Slow WiFi
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The Distance Between Your Wireless Router/Modem And Your Device Is Too Great.
The more the distance, the weaker the signal and the slow WiFi speed. The distance between your router/modem can adversely affect the performance of your devices. The farther your device is from the router, the weaker the signal will be. Moving your router/modem can help. If you are trying to transfer your router/modem closer to your equipment, please use a supplied jumper with sparkling light as other retail coaxial cables are also unshielded and may cause additional interference.
There Are “Blockers” That Can Block Or Disturb The Wifi Signal
Do not place your wifi router/modem behind obstacles such as cupboards or cupboards as these act as blockers and prevent the wifi signal from being passed on.
The extra walls the wifi signal has to pass through, the weaker your password will be. It is because building materials like plaster of Paris and slats, conduits and power lines can act as “blockers” as radio waves have problems getting through these types of materials. It’s a bit like driving through a tunnel and losing the radio signal. The same thing happens to your wifi signal when it has to go through walls.
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Cordless Phones, Baby Monitors, Microwaves, Oh My God!
Cordless phones, microwave ovens, baby monitors, wireless surveillance cameras, and wireless speakers all operate on the same frequencies and can slow wifi speed. Even electronic devices like fluorescent lights, wireless controllers, old Bluetooth devices, and plasma TVs may interfere.
Devices like this operate on the same frequency as your standard wifi (2.4 GHz). Having a lot of things on the same wavelength can scramble frequencies and contribute to your slow wifi.
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Interference From Other WLAN Routers/Modems
In densely occupied areas such as apartment complexes, housing estates, and condominiums, wifi congestion is significantly higher.
If you are staying in a teeming area with people using the same wifi network as you, your signal will have issues with all other calls for speed. Most routers are preprograming to be on a specific channel and frequency. Check your router’s manual or manufacturer’s website online and choose a wifi channel on your router that your neighbours aren’t connected. Use only media 1, 6 or 11 in the 2.4 GHz band. Using a different channel will outcome in a low act. Also, make sure you are on your wifi network and not your neighbours.
Some of the more advanced and newer routers and modems can upgrade to the 5 GHz band, which is less overfilled than the older, congested 2.4 GHz band. If you are not sure that your modem can do this, check the router specifications.
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Devices: your device cannot handle advanced Speeds
Not all devices are created equal. Newer smartphones, tablets, and computers tend to be faster than older ones but may not reach full cable speed.
Most routers will be sluggish down to the speed of your slowest device. It means that the slower device will prevent other tools that can run at higher rates from reaching their full potential. If you need maximum speed for a large download or game, consider connecting a device directly to the modem using an Ethernet cable. Wire-speed is almost always faster than wifi speed. Indeed, the Internet connects directly to the device.
Restart: When Was The Last Time You Restarted Your Wifi System?
We are demanding more and more from our home network, and restarting everything gives them a fresh start, like a quick nap. Restarting your modem will often resolve your connection problems. It is because most electronic equipment’s were not design or built to operate continuously without interruption. Continuing at any time is highly recommends to ensure that your wifi performance remains at peak condition.
Connections: Check Your Coaxial Connection On Your Modem And The Cable Outlet
A loose coaxial connection can cause speed slowdowns.
Sometimes the slow WiFi speed is due to the coaxial cable and connection. Check that the coaxial cable connects correctly to your modem/router and has a secure connection to the wall outlet. Also, check that the line is not damage, such as B. bent or creased cable.
Devices Have Gone Wild
You may have a device that is consuming all of the available bandwidth and slowing down your speed.
If one device is not working correctly, it can disrupt all other devices on the network. Because your wireless network is as fast as your slowest device, a device that slows overall speed will slow down your other electronic devices as well.
Keep It Fresh
Older firmware or operating systems can slow down connections. By making sure that your devices are update with the latest software version, you can ensure that your device is working correctly.
Ensuring that the operating system and firmware of your devices are up to date can provide better connectivity. It includes things like your phones, tablets, and computers.
Watch Out For Superusers
As a superuser, a basic Wi-Fi setup may not provide the “performance” you need.
If you have multiple WIFI devices in your house and broadcast to all four corners of your home, you can benefit from an 802.11ac multiband router with more antennas and access to the 5 GHz band. If your devices have wifi AC and your router supports it, use AC instead of N on as many devices as possible.