How To Improve Web Application Security In 2021

Web application security
Information without a proactive cyber protection strategy, the software is vulnerable to malware escalation and infrastructure attacks. As a web application developer, you need to know the best methods to strengthen security in your pipeline. This way, you can keep your company’s personal and customer data protected. Read on to learn about how to improve web application security in 2021.
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Secure Login Pages With SSL Encryption
First, it is essential to secure your login pages with Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) encryption. Importantly, SSL is an Internet-based security protocol. Using encryption algorithms, this Internet security protocol scrambles data-in-transit. Ensuring that the data transferred between users and websites are impossible to read, SSL can protect your sensitive data. Even if a cyber attacker tries to intercept the data in transit, they likely will not access it. In addition, websites that do not have SSL certification are often flagged by popular browsers. Indeed, the browsers may warn users not to send personal, financial, or password information through the site. Therefore, secure your web application login pages with SSL encryption to keep your client’s data secure. Surely, this is essential to heighten your information systems security.
Install An Advanced Docker Registry
Next, you can install an advanced Docker registry to increase your web application security. Notably, many development enterprises use a JFrog container registry to set up a private, secure Docker registry. Once integrated, use your Docker registry to manage development, vulnerability analysis, and artifact flow control. With these tools, you can use a local repository as a private Docker registry as well. Then, you can share images across your organidzation with reliable access control. Plus, this containerization software offers massively scalable storage to keep your repository data secure. Using the software’s advanced replication features, you can facilitate disaster recovery as well. In short, install an advanced Docker registry to store your web application files securely.
Require Input Validation
In addition, you should require input validation to improve your web application security practices. Importantly, input validation works to ensure that only properly formed data passes through the web application workflow. It prevents corrupted data from being processed and triggering a malfunction later in the flow. Ideally, you should apply data validation on syntactical and semantic levels. Syntactic validation enforces correct syntax for specific information, such as SSNs, birth dates, and currency.
On the other hand, semantic validation works to ensure the correctness of these values in a business context. To require input validation, you can use data type, format, and value validation tools to meet proper information formatting parameters. Require input validation to protect your web applications.
Perform Penetration Testing
Moreover, you can perform penetration testing to identify vulnerabilities in your web application software. Ideally, you should hire a penetration tester with little knowledge of your application. Often, cybersecurity experts unfamiliar with your program can expose blind spots missed by developers and testers on your team. Typically, these ethical hackers attempt to break into your web application to find vulnerabilities and attack vectors. Often, they use SQL injection tools and computer hardware to gain remote access to the network. If your pen testers find any security flaws, they can share these with your development team. Then, they can work to implement security upgrades and create more robust validations. Certainly, perform penetration testing to identify vulnerabilities in your web applications.
Manage Access Privileges
Furthermore, you should manage access privileges within your organization to protect your web applications. Ideally, you should follow the Principle of Least Privilege and limit application and data access to the employees who need it. It can reduce data exposure in the event of a security breach. For example, a hacker might get access to someone’s credentials on your team. If the professional only has access to a limited amount of data, you can limit the damage. In addition, managing access privileges can mitigate insider threats as well. Whether an employee unintentionally loses a laptop or commits a more malicious attack, you can keep risks low with proper access management. Undoubtedly, managing access privileges within your company is essential for appropriate web app security.
There are several ways to improve web application security in 2021. First, you should secure your login pages with SSL encryption. Next, install an advanced Docker registry to keep your image file storage secure. In addition, you should require input validation for proper data formatting. Moreover, perform penetration testing to identify vulnerabilities in your programs. Lastly, manage your access privileges to reduce data exposure in your enterprise. Consider these points to learn about how to improve web application security in 2021.