Top 10 Last Baby Names that Start with A & Their Meanings

Baby Name

Baby Name

Have you just welcomed your little one into your big fat family? You must be on the serious hunt for a cute and essential baby names. Well, an incredible suggestion will be choosing the first letter ‘A’.

Why Choose the Last Name from ‘A’ for your baby?

‘A’ indicates courage, leadership, and ambition. However, it also showcases the onset.

According to history, various eminent public figures contain ‘A’ as the first letter of their last names. You have a plethora of reasons to offer your kiddo some top surnames that start with A.

Who doesn’t recognize Kristen Alderson, the Soap Opera Actress, and Josephine Leavell Allensworth, an American musician and teacher?

Aren’t their surnames cool and likeable? If you also want such a unique last name, we have a suggestion.

CocoFinder is the one-stop-shop destination for superior assortments of last names. Without any further delay, let’s have a look at the top 10 list.

Top 10 Last Names that Start With A & Their Meanings

We have diligently amassed these top 10 surnames that you may or may not be familiar with! The lists below:


If you are from a Celtic background, you must prefer this surname ‘Allen’ for your little kiddo! The most common last name in Scotland, England, Wales, and mainly derived from Ireland.

However, in Hebrew, it means ‘little rock, jewellery, and ornament.’ Other regions of its origin include Ireland, Scotland, and England. You must want your baby to grow up as a tough person from the outside and a softer one from the inside.

Therefore, this surname would be an appealing one, and your baby will love it very much!


This list also includes some top-notch habitational surname ‘Aldana,’ which means ‘slope.’ Being an eminent habitational name; it became quite popular as this surname is popular for those residing in the town of Aldana in the Basque country.

It is one of the top surnames that start with A! If you are looking for something classy yet traditional last name, none other than ‘Aldana’ will be the right choice for your baby!


Such a famous surname ‘Alcoser’ came from Latin’ calx calcium and Arabic article, which means ’tilt,’ ‘slope,’ and ‘incline.’ It results in numerous spellings’ Alcoce,’ ‘Alcoci,’ ‘Alcocer.’

However, it mainly refers to the heels of animals and the people who want to endure. It is also one of the most vintage names in Burgos, and its Spanish variant of Alcocer indicates ‘a tiny palace.’


This family surname Aldape was derived from the Spanish derivative of the Basque elements’ Alda,’ which means ‘slope and gradient.’ One of its variants is ‘Aldabe,’ where its suffix ‘-pe’ or ‘-be’ means inferior or lower part.

Therefore, the ‘Aldape’ surname is most preferably and born initially by someone who resided in the foot-hills of any highest mountain range.


This incredible surname acquired a massive reputation of top surnames that start with A! Such a profound and insightful surname belongs to the Anglo-Saxon origin and two different probable sources.

Firstly, it might have evolved from either of two Old English pre-7th-decade individual names, ‘Aethelhere’ and ‘Ealdhere.’ These old English names were composed of the substances’ aethel’ or old, ‘eald,’ noble, with ‘here’, and army.


The surname ‘Alderson’ first emerged in Middlesex and London, where it means ‘son of the sagacious old warrior.’ During the 16th century, Aldersons had translocated north to Scotland and Haddington in East Lothian.

The dwellers of those places named themselves ‘Alderson.’ However, is it also a profound English derivative of ‘Alder.’

Recently been blessed with a cute baby boy or girl, gifting him/her this top surname that starts with A will be the most excellent choice for every parent-to-be!


‘Alejandro’ consists of eminent Greek origins and has influential meaning, ‘saviour of mankind’ or ‘defender of men.’ However, it has ranked 6211th most common surnames in the world that start with A.

Moreover, approx 91,108 people hold this prominent surname. It is enormously prevalent in Mexico, and Ecuador contains the highest density of ‘Alejandro.’

Being a parent of a baby boy, you must want your child to be a protector of humanity. That’s why he will love his surname!


‘Alexson’ surname has historically emerged as a leading method to distinguish people into groups – by habitational, occupational, patronage, clan affiliation, parentage, and even physical traits.

Despite its vague emergence, it is considered to have some Britain or Ireland roots. Some similar surnames that evolved from ‘Alexon’ are Alton, Alexon, Alexis, Alcon, and many more. However, it is contemplated to be a derivative of ‘Alexander.’

Due to its utmost historical importance, parents prefer this top-notch surname for their babies. The famous namesakes of this surname are Tracey Alexson, the Director of Administration.


‘Alfred’ is one of the masculine and prevalent surnames of English origin that belonged to the significant ancestor of the Anglo-Saxon name ‘Ælfræd.’ Being the most critical and widespread last name that starts with A, it is a feminine term of ‘Alfreda.’

It is a combined form that also originated from Germanic words’ ælf’, which means ‘elf,’ and ‘ræd,’ which means ‘counsel.’ However, the significant diminutives include ‘Alf,’ ‘Al,’ ‘Alfie,’ ‘Fred,’ and ‘Freddy.’


Such a prominent surname ‘Allensworth’ first originated in Yorkshire, where its family resides in Richmond. It will be a worthy surname for your baby boy and girl as it means ‘little rock.’

The history behind this popular meaning is evolved from the top-notch name ‘Alan.’ However, it is thought to be a widely accepted habitational Scottish or English surname.

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Concluding words

Now you have some of the crucial yet unprecedented top surnames that start with A. If you have not given him/her a suitable surname till now, you can efficiently evade your dilemma of choosing a baby surname after going through this list.

A baby’s name will be their identity similar to that of the first name. So, make sure to be conscientious enough. As mentioned previously, CocoFinder is the leading place to check out various collections of surnames.