Understanding Cryptocurrencies: What is Behind the Hype?

The world is buzzing about cryptocurrencies. A lot of people are excited about these digital coins and the rest of us are scratching our heads in confusion. One of the most famous cryptocurrencies is Bitcoin but there are a lot of other cryptocurrencies that are now also worth a lot of money. It is difficult to understand the hype about these digital coins because they are not like normal money that you can hold in your hand. They are decentralized and can exist only online. This means that you cannot actually hold them in your wallet. They are made possible by complex mathematical algorithms that are used to encrypt and decrypt the codes.
1. The encryption and decryption algorithms :
The encryption and decryption algorithms of crypto coins work differently from the ones found in regular currencies. Public key cryptography is a system that requires two keys to work, a public key and a private one. The public one can be used to encipher messages and the private one can be used to decipher them which means that you can encrypt a message with it but nobody else can decipher or read the message except for the person who has the second key.
The algorithms can only be executed through a computer and results in the creation of new crypto coins with value. Every transaction of crypto coins is encrypted with algorithms that are unique to each coin.
2. New coins are created as a result of the constant growth :
It is important to understand the fact that the algorithms can only be executed through a computer and results in the creation of new crypto coins with value. Every transaction of crypto coins is encrypted with algorithms that are unique to each coin.
The algorithm creates a new currency which in turn requires a lot of resources to process. The computer takes time to complete the initial algorithm and this gives rise to new cryptocurrencies which in turn require more resources which again leads to more new cryptocurrencies. This process continues until all the existing cryptocurrency taxes have been processed and mined which will never happen because there is no limit on how many of these currencies can be created. This happens continuously as a result of better technology which will lead to more sophisticated encryption algorithms.
3. New coins are created as a result of the constant growth :
It is important to understand the fact that the algorithms can only be executed through a computer. And it results in the creation of new crypto coins with value. Every transaction of crypto coins is encrypted with algorithms that are unique to each coin.
The algorithm creates a new currency which in turn requires a lot of resources to process. The computer takes time to complete the initial algorithm. And this gives rise to new cryptocurrencies which in turn require more resources which again leads to more new cryptocurrencies. This process continues until all the existing crypto coins have been processed and mined. This will never happen because there is no limit on how many of these currencies can be created.
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